Shoes of Hope Campaign

Below: Boxes of shoes being loaded on a trailer to take to Camp Atterbury for distribution to our new neighbors from Afghanistan.

Below: Some members of Union Christian Church with a volunteer from TeamRubiconUSA at the donation warehouse at Camp Atterbury.

Below: This is only a portion of the available percussion instruments used in our monthly Healing Drum Circle on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Come join us for a wonderful time of being free in the moment.

We have reached our goal!

We committed to $20,000 for shoes to be provided to the Afghan refugees at Camp Atterbury in 2021, along with collecting much needed non-perishable goods and baby supplies.

With your help, we have reached our goal of $20,000 raised.

We appreciate your help in caring for our new neighbors over the past two years.

We continually work to help our neighbors within our community by holding monthly outreach projects to benefit a variety of agencies in and around Johnson County, Indiana.

We have collected old board games to be donated to healthcare facilities for the aging.

We have collected non-perishable snack items to donate to elementary school children and provided school supplies through the United Way program for Fast Track.

We collect at various times non-perishable food items for Inter-church Food Pantry of Johnson County.

The church receives a stipend from our Permanent Fund that is divided between three different organizations to help fund their activities.

Each fall, we take up a collection to donate to UNICEF.

We have supported Clarity of Indiana through their Baby Bottle Campaign.

Be blessed, be a blessing, and BE the church!

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